
PipeMonitor is a hardware/software prototype for real-time detection and recognition of objects and object states using elastic wave propagation analysis.

This is a part of the research development for detection of illegal operations with oil, gas and water pipelines, but system can detect changes in various types of structures and objects on surfaces.

Based on my PhD work and patented invention with added neural networks using NeuralLibrary:

GitHub Code for NeuralLibrary

PhD Work with Articles from Russian Science Journals and Other Projects

Demo #1: Real-time Object State Acoustic Recognition with C# Neural Network, Microcontroller, Elastic Wave Generator and Vibration Sensor
Demo #2: Real-time Object Acoustic Recognition on a Sensitive Surface with C# Neural Network, Microcontroller, Elastic Wave Generator and Vibration Sensor
Demo #3: Experiment of Determining the State of a Water Pipeline by Analyzing Recorded Acoustic Signals